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Simulation Terminology


Based on Standard I in the International Nurses Association for Clinical Simulation and Learning 2013 guidelines. (Clinical Simulation in Nursing (2013) 9, S3-S11)

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3.A pedagogy using one or more typologies to promote, improve, or validate a participant’s progression from novice to expert.
8.Refers to a domain of learning that involves skills related to professional practice including fine motor, manual, and gross motor skills.
10.Process used by the facilitator during debriefing that reinforces the critical aspects of the experience and encourages insightful learning, allowing the participant to assimilate theory, practice, and research in order to in­fluence future actions.
11.Techniques used to simulate injury, disease, aging, and other physical characteristics specific to a scenario.
16.An activity that follows a simulation experience and is led by a facilitator.
17.Refers to a domain of learning that includes knowledge, comprehension, application, analysis, synthesis, and evaluation.
18.A person trained to consistently portray a patient or other individual in a scripted scenario for the purposes of instruction, practice, or evaluation.
19.A method of directing or instructing a person or group of people in order to achieve a goal or goals, develop a specific skill or skills, or develop a competency or competencies.
20.One who engages in a simulation-based learning activity for the purpose of gaining or demonstrating mastery of knowledge, skills, and attitudes of professional practice.
1.Refers to a domain of learning that involves attitudes, beliefs, values, feelings, and emotions.
2.Assessment wherein the facilitator’s focus is on the participant’s progress toward goal attainment; a process for an individual or group engaged in a simulation activity for the purpose of providing constructive feedback for that individual or group to improve.
3.After instruction, the ability to integrate the knowledge, skills (technical and nontechnical), and attitudes necessary to provide safe patient care.
4.Three separate, yet interdependent components of learning outcomes achievable by human learners.
5.A cue given to a participant in a scenario.
6.Evaluation at the end of a time period, in which participants are provided with feedback about their achievement of outcome criteria.
7.Believability, or the degree to which a simulated experience approaches reality.
9.Two or more professionals collaborating as a team with a shared purpose, goal, and mutual respect to deliver safe, quality health care.
12.Information provided that helps the participant progress through the clinical scenario to achieve stated objectives.
13.A term sometimes used to describe an embedded participant.
14.A responsibility or character assumed in a simulation-based learning activity.
15.A method and strategy that occurs throughout (before, during, and after) simulation-based learning experiences in which a person helps to bring about an outcome(s) by providing unobtrusive guidance.

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