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Digital Literacy Review


1 2
3             4  
  6   7  
11                 12    

3.A structured set of data held in a computer especially one that can be easily accessible in different ways
5.Is a device or program that allows the computer to transmit the data over just like telephones and cable lines do.
8.It is the part of the computer that processes most of the data. It forms with memory to make the central part of the computer
9.A typeface where characters have no serifs
11.Is an expansion board that allows the computer to input and output sound (2 Words)
13.A network is a group of two or more computer systems linked together. Can sometimes be called a node
14.Basic physical and organizational structures and facilities. Examples: buildings, roads and power supplies.
1.Items such as disks, disk drives, keyboards, printers, display screens
2.A small computer built for one person (laptop) (2 Words)
3.It is a digital optical disk that can be used as a storage format for videos, movies, music etc…
4.Is a printed circuit board controlling output to a display screen (2 Words)
6.Main board of a microcomputer. It contains the connector for additional boards
7.Electronic document in which data is arranged in rows and columns of a grid and can be manipulated and used for calculations
10.The programs and other operating information used by a computer
12.network that is used all over the world in 190 countries which is connection millions of computers online

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