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radio theory,aircraft navigational and communication system

1 2
9   10                             11
13                       14    
15     16                    
    18 19      
20                   21                
22       23              

3.2. The distance from the crest of one radio wave to the crest of the next .
7.INS depends on what Newton Law?
10.what make up a radio wave
12.9. Which type of antenna consists of two wires extended in two directions, one positive and one negative, ¼ wavelength long?
13.When mounting avionic equipment, what about the location should not be considered
14.In the EFIS 85, what is used to drive the MFD
16.What device combines the AF wave and the RF wave into a AM or FM signal?
20.Class B amplification is often used in what type of amplifiers?(2 words)
21.Regulations concerning the ELT can be found in what FAR
22.If your VOR receiver is receiving an out of phase of 90°, what is your bearing to the VOR station?
23.Transponders must be tested how often
24.what type of microphone operates on the principle of variable capacitance
1.Where is the microphone to the CVR located
2.The Type of INS that is totally solid states is
4.What is the difference between Pitot and Static pressure called
5.The Flight displays found on the A-320 are part of an integrated display system called
6.All INS systems what type of error?
8.What component in a coupler protects the transceiver from lightning strikes?(two words)
9.As an aircraft increases in altitude, what happens to the atmospheric pressure around the plane?
11.What FAR governs how a VOR must be tested
15.An area where no radio reception is possible(two words)
17.The Localizer system shares it antenna with what other system?
18.The majority of information sent to the symbol generators of the B 737-300 EFIS is transmitted in which of the following formats
19.Which of the following EFIS displays is used to show weather radar information and check list data

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