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Anime Crossword

Haise Sasaki

1 2
3                 4 5
  7               8
  9     10  
  11                     12  
    13 14          

3.Adult helps a cat-eared child find his brother's murderer
6.An amusement park of capital punishment
7.Ten year old wizard becomes a teacher
11.Girl falls into a well to feudal demon-infested Japan
16.Aladdin with blue hair
17.Terrorists give riddles before attacking
18."Normal" girl in a school for those with abilities
1.Juliet is heir to the throne Romeo's father stole
2.A sad highschool romanced paralleled by a world of lights
4.Girl forgets all her friends every weekend
5.Alchemist wants his stolen body back
8.Conspiracy-obsessed man makes a videogame
9.Boy finds out he's the demon king of another world
10.A virtual reality game people cannot leave
12.Angel-people live in a secluded town with walls
13.Duck ballerina saves her emotionless prince
14.Calligrapher moves to an island to find happiness
15.Teenagers in the afterlife hunt an "angel"

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