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Baseball Vocab 3

Jake Cromell

4 5   6      

3.A circular chart divided into sectors, each sector shows the relative size of each value.
6.Credited to a player when an act they commit leads to a run for their team.
7.Any time a runner safely reaches home plate, a run is recorded for their team.
8.A diagram in which the numerical values of variables are represented by the height or length of lines or rectangles with an equal width.
9.When the batter safely reaches base after making contact with the ball.
10.A graph in which the values of two variables are plotted along two axes, the pattern of the resulting points revealing any correlation present.
1.Any hit in which the batter advances more than one base.
2.A player's turn at batting, as officially recorded.
4.A graph in which points representing values of a variable for suitable values of an independent variable are connected by a broken line.
5.When a defensive player mishandles or misplays the ball.

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