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2.01 Vocabulary

Franki Vagnozzi

2 3  

4.one bound by legal agreement to work for another for a specific amount of time in return for instruction in a trade, art, or business
5.easy to understand
6.able to persuade somebody to believe that something is ture or to act
9.the action/fact of achieving a goal toward which one has worked
10.advanced placement, college courses taken in high school
11.the action/capability of understanding something
12.the practice of paying close attention to a speaker and asking questions to ensure full comprehension
1.a school program that allows students to receive academic credit for career work in the student's field of interest done outside the school
2.provide students with a context for studying traditional academics and learning the skills specific to a career, and provide U.S. schools with a structure for organizing or restructuring curriculum offerings and focusing class make-up by a common theme such as interest
3.an offical document that gives proof and details or something such as personal status, educational achievements, ownership, or authenticity
6.using as few words as possible to give the necessary information, or compressed in order to be brief
7.a test developed and maintained by the United States Department of Defense
8.a comparison between two things that are similar in some way, often used to help explain something/make it easier to understand

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