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Introduction to Art

Ms. Hetrick

Word Bank
line, shape, value, color, texture, form, space, balance, unity, movement, pattern, emphasis, contrast, variety, horizontal symmetry, transfer, mirror image, vertical symmetry, repetition, concave, convex, media, analogous, primary, secondary, tertiary, complementary, rhythm, proportion, gradation, shading, cross hatch, harmony, medium, subordination

1     2   3 4
  5 6 7    
8           9                          
10               11              
12                 13              
14       15               16            
18       19
    22 23       24  
25         26        
  27   28   29            
30                           31      

1.An element of art that is two-dimensional, flat, or limited to height and width, such as a circle, rectangle, or triangle.
8.An element of art made up of three properties: hue, value, and intensity.
9.colors directly opposite each other in the color spectrum, such as red and green or blue and orange.
10.A principle of design used to create the look and feeling of action and to guide the viewer’s eye throughout the work of art.
11.a surface that curves outward
12.An element of art that refers to the way things feel, or look as if they might feel if touched.
13.To convey (a design, for example) from one surface to another, as by impression.
14.to mark or shade with two or more intersecting series of parallel lines
16.a surface that curves inward
20.an image that is reflected across a vertical line
21.a color produced by an equal mixture of a primary color with a secondary color adjacent to it on the color wheel
22.An element of art by which positive and negative areas are defined or a sense of depth achieved in a work of art .
25.a material that can be used to create art, such a pencil, paint, or marble
29.any of a group of colors from which all other colors can be obtained by mixing
30.an image or object that is identical in form to another, but with the structure reversed, as in a mirror.
31.An element of art defined by a point moving in space, which may be fat, thin, curved, straight, descriptive, implied, or abstract.
32.A way of combining similar elements in an artwork to accent their similarities (achieved through use of repetitions and subtle gradual changes)
33.the appearance or condition of oneness. In design, this describes the feeling that all the elements in a work belong together and make up a coherent and harmonious whole.
34.colors that are next to each other on the color wheel. They usually match well and create serene and comfortable designs.
2.A principle of design that refers to the relationship of certain elements to the whole and to each other.
3.an image that is reflected across a horizontal line
4.A way of combining elements to add a feeling of equilibrium or stability to a work of art. Major types are symmetrical and asymmetrical.
5.An element of art that is three-dimensional and encloses volume; includes height, width AND depth (as in a cube, a sphere, a pyramid, or a cylinder).
6.opposition or juxtaposition of different forms, lines, or colors in a work of art to intensify each element's properties and produce a more dynamic expressiveness
7.a color resulting from the mixing of two primary colors.
15.minimizing or toning down other compositional elements in order to bring attention to the focal point.
17.The lightness or darkness of tones or colors.
18.A principle of design that indicates movement, created by the careful placement of repeated elements in a work of art to cause a visual tempo or beat
19.A principle of design concerned with diversity or contrast; it achieved by using different shapes, sizes, and/or colors in a work of art.
23.a combination of elements or shapes repeated in a recurring and regular arrangement
24.the representation of the different values of color or light and dark in a painting or drawing.
26.refers to one object, shape, color or motif that is repeated
27.A way of combining elements by using a series of gradual changes in those elements. (large shapes to small shapes, dark hue to light hue, etc)
28.an area or object within the artwork that draws attention and becomes a focal point.
30.plural of media

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