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Collin Burns

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3.(the dot gets a space) our social studies teacher
5.proven to be " the happiest country in europe" by a survey.
6.A country famous for it's Tower Of Piza and has the city Venice in it.
7.The group of nations that were all communist in europe and wanted to spread that to the rest of the world.
8.This country is home to London, and in this city is a huge clock tower nicknamed "Big Ben"
10.This countries capital city is Paris, and is home to many famous artists.
13.The democratic half of Germany after World War 2 ended
14.a nothern european country famous for being cold, meatballs, and Ikea
16.A country that had a huge role in both world wars, is famous for making Boch, Beetoven and many other famous muscitions.
18.The "war" that almost escalated to WW3 between the soviet union and the U.S.
1.The worlds biggest (size) country, has Siberia in it, is capitalist and has Putin as a leader.
2.The union that some of europe's countries have made.
4.What used to be the worlds largest lake that was shrunk to about 1/4 its origional size to irrigate cotton plants by the soviet union.
8.the continent that incluedes iconic counries such as Germany or Italy or England
9.A type of Government where the government controlles EVERything and there are no social classes (exept for within the gov.)
11.A type of gov. that is elected through its citizens and is supposed to be a free country.
12.The wall that was made to separate east and west Germany
14.a country in southwestern Europe thats main language starts w/an "S" and its capital is Madrid
15.The currency that the union parts of europe use to have one currency
17.Something that happens when two/more large (countries) groups violently fight

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