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Animal descriptions

Lilita Rubīne

Match the animal to its description

1 2    
8       9      

2.This mammal looks like a dog. It’s got a reddish-brown fur, a pointed face and ears, and a thick bushy tail.
3.This rodent has got a big flat tail and large teeth. It uses its teeth to cut wood and build dams in rivers. It lives in still water and eats bark and wood and plants.
4.It’s a mammal that has got lots of sharp spines and eats worms, snails, roots and fruit.
5.It’s a grey and white bird that lives in woods and towns and sometimes eats food in rubbish bins.
6.This mammal is light brown with spots. It lives in woods and eats grass.
7.It’s a bird of prey that has got long broad wings and a keen sight. It eats small birds and animals.
8.This mammal is a rodent. It’s red or grey and has got a big tail. It lives in trees and eats seeds, acorns and nuts.
10.It’s a bird with brown feathers, a big beak and strong claws.
1.It’s a baby insect - a small, worm-like animal that feeds on plants and eventually develops into a butterfly.
2.It's a green or brown amphibian. It can jump really well.
3.This mammal has got a white head with two wide black stripes on it. It lives underground and usually comes up to feed at night. It eats both meat and plants.
8.It’s an invertebrate. It’s got a long, soft body, no legs, and a shell. It moves very slowly.
9.It’s a small brown and red bird which lives in gardens and eats insects and worms.

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