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Baseball Vocab 6

Jake Cromell

1 2
  3 4  
5                     6

5.A mutual relationship or connection between two or more things.
7.A graph in which the values of two variables are plotted along two axes, the pattern of the resulting points revealing any correlation present.
8.An agreement under which an individual is employed, or agrees to render services, as a player on a professional sports team.
9.The amount of money a player makes for playing their sport.
10.The person who has purchased and therefore owns the team. They don't typically have say in player personnel decisions, but they do run things like stadium amenities and promotions.
1.Experienced talent evaluators who travel extensively for the purposes of watching athletes play and determining whether their set of skills and talents represent what is needed by their organization.
2.Typically controls player transactions and bears the primary responsibility on behalf of the team during contract discussions with players.
3.Changes made to the roster of a team during or after the season.
4.Individual who is responsible for matters of team strategy on the field and team leadership.
6.Procures and negotiates employment and endorsement contracts for an athlete.

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