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Getting Paid

Personal Finance

1 2 3 4     5       6
      8             9      
12                                       13
15       16                

4.Written paper which includes gross pay, all deductions made to wages, and net pay (2 Words)
8.A reloadable debit card onto which a worker's pay is loaded (2 Words)
10.A federal government program that funds retirement accounts, financially supports citizens who have experienced profound disability, the premature death of a parent (if under the age of 18), or the premature death of a spouse in a family with children (2 Words)
12.A source of income for workers who have lost their jobs through no fault of their own (2 Words)
14.Amount of money earned before payroll taxes (2 Words)
16.The regular schedule by which employers pay employees (2 Words)
17.wages are deposited directly into a depository institution account (2 Words)
18.A person who relies on the taxpayer for financial support
1.Taxes paid to federal, state and local governments on the amount of money earned (2 Words)
2.A state‐sponsored system that pays monetary benefits to workers who become injured or disabled on the job (2 Words)
3.The amount the employer has contributed to various employee benefits (2 Words)
4.Taxes withheld or paid on your behalf by your employer (2 Words)
5.Fixed amount of money or compensation paid to an employee by an employer in return for work performed
6.A federal program whose main purpose is to help pay for health care for those over 65
7.Amount of money left once all deductions have been taken from gross income (2 Words)
9.A fee that a salesperson receives upon completion of a sale
11.A check written to a worker in the amount of money earned (2 Words)
13.Agreement between an employer and employee
15.The form that determines the percentage of an employee’s pay that will be withheld for federal taxes (2 Words)

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