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Dental Jokes and Quotes

Mary Watson, RDH

1 2 3
4       5        
12             13
17       18   19  

4.What did the dentist say to the golfer? You have a ______ in one.
5.You don't have to ______ all of your teeth... just the ones that you want to keep.
8.Adam and Eve had many advantages, but the principal one was that they escaped ______. - Mark Twain
10.The American Dental Association awarded him "Dentist of the Year" but all he got was a little ______.
12.What did the dentist see at the North Pole? A ______ bear!
14.What does the dentist call his xrays? ______- pics!
15.Blessed are they who hold lively conversations with the helplessly mute, for they shall be called ______. - Ann Landers
16.Be kind to your dentist because he has ______ too.
17.I got a ______ filling and put my money where my mouth is.
20.What do you get if you cross a porcupine with a giraffe? A long necked ______!
21.Flossing and brushing ______ a day will keep the dentist away!
22.What's the best thing to put into a pizza? Your ______!
23.It's not my fault I forget to floss. My ______ teeth aren't as smart as yours!
1.I went to the dentist for some root canal work, but then I lost my______.
2.They called him the king of dentists because he specialized in ______.
3.I finally have a dental plan.... I ______ on the other side.
6.I've been to the dentist several times, so I know the ______.
7.A smile is a curve that sets everything ______.
9.Ten years without brushing causes horrible tooth ______.
11.Got teeth? Thank your dental ______!
13.For there was never yet a philosopher that could endure the ______ patiently. - William Shakespeare
16.Be true to your teeth and they won't be ______ to you.
18.I got my job at the dentist's office by word of ______.
19.What does the dentist do on a roller coaster? He ______ himself!
21.What is a dentist's favorite musical instrument? A ______ toothpaste

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