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Billy and Stevie

Stuart Gedal

1   2         3   4

1.A license, sponsored by a government, that protects a work of art, a book, the script of a drama, etc.
5.You met with the Human Resources Department in a company. They want to give you a job. You are _______________.
7.A license, sponsored by a government, that protects an invention or a process in a business.
8.To take someone to court.
2.In the USA, the head (chief) of the government that registers inventions and works of art is called the ___________________
3.A group of people, primarily younger, who wanted to live separately from the main steam of society. They were prominent (well-known) in many countries in the 1960s and 1970s.
4.If your company is not satisfied with your work, they may tell you to leave your job. The company ______________ you. (1 word, no hyphen).
6.The name of a large international company that Apple brought to the US Government courts.
8.If the business you work for makes mistakes in its plans, and doesn't have enough customers you may lose your job. This is called a ________________. (2 words, no space, no hyphen)

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