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Fundamentals of CRM Workshop

Karen Crichlow-Thomas

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1.A metric designed to quantify the strength of a company's word-of-mouth reputation among existing customers. (CPV)
3.Maslow - Confidence. Achievement. Respect by others. (CB)
5.Great resolutions to customer service problems can turn passionate detractors into ardent ___. (CS)
7.Acronym for achieving service. (CS)
10.Fulfilling promises, delivering quality products and being dependable defines this R of customer service. (CS)
12.Before any relationship can start, both parties needs to know this about each other. (CPV)
13.Also known as Software as a Service - Saas. (CT)
1.Customers may have similar value but highly differentiated ____. (CPV)
2.With this type of ____, customers have a positive, preferential attitude towards a brand. (CR)
3.A customer's personal vision of the result that will come from an experience, is usually shaped by both his primary and secondary ____. (CS)
4.The "1" in 1-9-90. (SM)
6.A web-based journal, a running account of events, thoughts or ideas authored by one or more persons. (SM)
7.The means by which people create, share, exchange and comment on content among themselves in virtual communities and networks. (SM)
8.The basis of all marketing activity is to change a customer's _____. (CPV)
9.Foundation upon which CRM is built.
11.A desire to obtain more satisfaction than absolutely necessary. (CB)

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