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Client Operating Systems

1   2       3
  6   7  
  9         10        
12                         13      

1.The central core component in an Operating System? (6)
4.Software that manages computers, resources, and the GUI? (9,6)
9.Allow access to authorised users only by verification of username and password? (5)
11.Windows 7 can be either X86 or X64, what deos X86 stand for? (2,3)
12.This edition of Windows 7 is aimed at the business market? (12)
13.File System designed and used by Microsoft? (1,1,1,1)
14.The underlying structure a computer uses to organise data on a hard disk? (4,6)
15.This can be thought of as a kind of DNA for the Windows operating system? (7,8)
17.The super user account used on Microsoft Operating Systems? (13)
18.The area on the GUI where the icons usually reside? (3,7)
2.The basic tool used to make changes to the registry? (7)
3.What does UAC stand for in a Microsoft Windows 7 environment? (4,7,7)
5.This is a collection of updates, bug fixes, and enhancements for a software program? (7,4)
6.These are software applications provided by manufacturers that tell the OS how a specific hardware component works on a platform ? (7)
7.Allows for several threads or flow of processes to happening at the same time? (5,9)
8.This edition of Windows 7 is aimed at more at the IT "geeks"? (8)
10.These keep a PC safer and software current by fetching the latest security and feature from Microsoft? (7,7)
16.This file system can not have files larger than 4GB in size? (3,2)

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