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Sources of law


Word Bank
GovernorGeneral, Federal system, Treaties, Bilateral, Multilateral, ICJ, security council, International court of justice, concurrent, Exclusive, High court, Constitution, Rule of law, Family, Supreme, District, Local, AVO, Committal hearings

1 2 3
      5 6    
7                 8            
9   10    

4.The document of fundamental principles according to which the Federation of Australia is governed.
6.acronym for the type of orders where the applicant is fearful of the action of others.
7.System of government where the power is divided between a central government and the states, with no body having absolute power (2 Words)
11.The court created under the Family Law act with jurisdiction over the dissolution of marriage, child maintenance, parenting and property settlements
12.Treaties between multiple nations
13.The highest court of NSW that hears most serious criminal matters, appeals from the district and local courts
14.Powers held by both Commonwealth and state parliaments, but can be override state laws to the extent of the inconsistency
17.A hearing to determine if there is sufficient evidence for an indictable offence to send a person to trial. (2 Words)
18.Treaties between two nations
19.An international agreement signed and registered with the United Nations and binding under international law
1.Powers held by the Federal parliament defined under the constitution
2.Hears appeals from Federal, state and territory courts and determines cases of special federal significance (2 Words)
3.The primary judicial body of the United Nations (4 Words)
5.Courts that hear the greatest number of cases usually before a magistrate alone
8.An arm of the United Nations primarily responsible for the maintenance of peace and security (2 Words)
9.The concept that every obeys the law and no-one is above the law (3 Words)
10.Queens representative in Australia representing the Head of State in Australia
15.The court hearing civil cases limited to $750 000, plus indictable offences and appeals from the local court
16.Acronym for International Court of Justice

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