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Felicia 4th Block


2 3  

4.A ________ is a condition in which the body's immune system reacts to substance in some foods.
5.The natural physical drive to eat prompted by the body for food is called ______.
6.When a person is heavieer than the standard weight range for his or her height, that person is ______.
10.The process by which your body gets energy from food is called ______.
11.Some people suffer from _______, or extreme, harmful, eating behaviors that can cause serious illness or even death.
12.A person who eats mostly or only plant-based foods is called a __________.
13.A tough complex carbohydrate that the body can't digest, ________ moves waste through your digestive system.
14.The psychological desire for food is _________.
1.People who have an irrational fear of weight gain which leads them to starve themselves, suffer from an eating disorder known as______.
2.A repeated pattern of losing and regaining body weight is known as__________.
3.One way to determine if your weight is within a healthy range is through your ___ ___ ___, a ratio that allows you too assess your body size in relation to your height and weight.
6.Being ____ or having an excess of body fat, carries serious health risks including heart disease, cancer, asthma, and gallbladder disease.
7.Nutrients the body uses to build and maintain its cells and tissues are called ________.
8.A ______ it's a unit of heart used to measure the energy your body uses and the energy your body uses and the energy it receives from food
9.Being ______ or below the standard weight range for your height, carries health risks such as trouble fighting off disease.
10.One way to balance the five basics food group in your daily diet its to use _______, an inter active guide to health saying and active living

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