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Scientific method

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5.The _____ is the part of an experiment that is not being tested and is used for comparison
7.The ___ variable is the part of the experiment that being tested or the part that changed by the person doing the experiment
10.After the experiment,scientists organize and ____ the data
11.After an experiment,scientists write a ____ which summarize their experiment and results
13.The ____ variable is the part of the experiment that is affected by independent variable.
14.Scientists use their data to make charts and _____ to communicate the results of an experiment
1.The frist step of the scientific method is to define or identify the ______.
2.The information collected during an experiment is called
3.the ____ describes the steps you use during an experiment
4.The ______ ________ is a process used by scientists to find answer to questions or solve a proble
6.Scientists make _____ to help them make a hypothesis or collect data during experiment
8.After the scientist makes a hypothesis, they perform an ____ to collect data
9.The ____ is an educated guess
12.Sometimes scientists make a mistake, or ___ and need to do an experiment again

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