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1 2          
3                       4
10   11       12        
13         14            
  16       17          
19     20          

2.A person who helps people when they are ill
3.A doctor who treats animals
5.Someone who teaches children how to read and write
6.A writer for newspapers and magazines
7.A man who delivers the mail
8.A person who cuts and arranges people`s hair
11.They protect people and their belongings
13.A person who translates what someone says into another language orally
15.A person who bakes and sells bread or cakes
16.A person who makes and repairs shoes
18.A member of a fire brigade. Fire brigade is a group of people who put out fires
20.A person who makes a vehicle work and steer it where he/she wants it to go
21.This person answers the telephone, makes business arrangements for a person or organization
1.A shopkeeper who sells fruit and vegetables
2.A doctor who fixes our teeth and keeps them healthy
4.A person who owns or manages a farm; he/she grows our food
9.Someone whose occupation is repairing and maintaining cars
10.Someone who builds houses
12.A person who makes things out of wood
14.A person who makes computer games
17.Someone who plays a musical instrument
19.Someone who cooks food

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