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Culinary Arts Review

Use your interactive notebook to complete the crossword.

Word Bank
recipe, yeild, equivalents, bacteria, ingredients, sanitize, cross contamination, food borne illness, hands, food themometer, defrost, cutting board, cleaning supplies, away, obstacles, sharp, overload, grease, spills, dry measuring cups, cookware, colander, Major appliances, bread knife, bakeware, chop, beat, garnish, cut in, preheat, step by step

1 2                             3
5             6  
  7               8          
9                     10      
12       13                            
14         15                        
      16       17    
21                 22
  24 25                

2.Store __________ ____________ away from food items. (2 Words)
4.Keep knives __________
5.decorate a food dish with a small decorative food item
7.one celled living organisms
8.Use a pastry blender or two knives and a cutting motion to mix solid fat with dry ingredients. (2 Words)
9.food items used to make a recipe
10.use a quick over and under motion to add air to foods
12.cut food into small, irregular pieces
13.The appliances are powered by gas or electric and do large jobs in the kitchen. (2 Words)
14.illness caused by eating spoiled food or harmful bacteria (3 Words)
16.Always cut _______ from yourslef.
18.to clean to get rid of bacteria
19.used to measure dry ingedients such as sugar and flour (3 Words)
21.heat the oven to the proper temerature before cooking.
23.a set of directions used in preparing food
25.Kitchen tools used inside of the oven
26.Do Not _______________ electrical outlets
27.a good recipe lists directions in the order they should be done, or _____ __ _____ (3 Words)
1.Never throw water on a ______________ fire.
2.harmful bacteria are transferred from one food or surface to another (2 Words)
3.wipe up ______________ immediately.
6.amount of servings a recipe makes
8.Use onr ___________ ____________ for fresh produce and another for raw meats. (2 Words)
10.This knife is also called a serrated edge knife. (2 Words)
11.Use a ______ _______ to measure the internal temperature of foods, especially meats. (2 Words)
12.Kitchen tools used on top of the stove
15.Keep the kitchen floor free from _____________.
17.amounts that are equal to one another
20.utensil used to drain liquid from foods.
22.Don't ________ food at room temperature.
24.wash your _______ before, during, and after preparing food.

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