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Science project cross word puzzle

Jabari Lathan

Word Bank
Milky Way Galaxy, Galaxy, Space, Spacecraft, Apollo 11, Apollo 13, space race, Satellite, Sputnik 1, Explorer 1, Soviet Union, United States, Vostok 1, Freedom 7, space station, space shuttle, space probe, The Apollo Program, Moon rocks, Armstrong and Aldrin, constellation, stars, supernova, black hole, universe

1 2 3 4
8 9                      
12   13                        
  19                       20  

5.A vehicle, or machine designed to fly in outer space.
7.when the stars in the sky form a picture
9.It was the competition between the Soviet Union and the United Space to explore space (2 Words)
10.The void that exists between celestial bodies, including the Earth.
11.What the Sun is.
13.1st to land on Moon ad walk on it. (2 Words)
14."an investigation" (2 Words)
16.America’s effort to land astronauts on the moon and return them to Earth. (3 Words)
17.all of time and space and its contents.
19."stopping place" (2 Words)
21.a geometrically defined region of spacetime exhibiting such strong gravitational effects that nothing—including particles and electromagnetic radiation such as light—can escape from inside it. (2 Words)
22.Was the spaceflight that landed the first humans on the Moon. (2 Words)
23.Was the first artificial satellite launched by the Soviet (2 Words)
24.first:Human in space orbited 1x (2 Words)
25.first:American in space (2 Words)
1.carries passengers back and forth (2 Words)
2.The people that planted an American flag on the moon (3 Words)
3.A gravitationally bound system of stars, stellar remnants, interstellar gas and dust, and dark matter.
4.were collected and astronauts found out that the rocks were made of the same minerals that Earth is made of. (2 Words)
6.The galaxy that contains our Solar System. (3 Words)
8.The US responded to Sputnik I with the Explorer I in 1958 (2 Words)
12.a stellar explosion that briefly outshines an entire galaxy
15.People to be the 1st to launch a human into space. (2 Words)
18.An object that revolves (circles around) another object in space.
20.Was the third manned mission by NASA intended to land on the moon, but a mid-mission technical malfunction forced the lunar landing to be aborted. (2 Words)

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