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Physical Science Ch. 14 Work, Power and Machines

Mrs. Chandler

Word Bank
work, joule, power, watt, horsepower, machine, input force, input distance, work input, output force, output distance, work output, mechanical advantage, actual mechanical advantage, ideal mechanical advantage, efficiency, lever, fulcrum, input arm, output arm, wheel and axle, inclined plane, wedge, screw, pulley, compound machine

1 2       3
  4   5  
6                         7  
9   10                           11  
15                 16 17           18      
  21           22              

2.The SI unit of power.
6.A simple machine that consists of two disks or cylinders, each one with a different radius. (3 Words)
8.The product of force and distance. (Work=Force x Distance)
9.A combination of two or more simple machines that operate together. (2 Words)
12.The SI unit of work.
14.The force you exert on a machine. (2 Words)
15.The distance between the input force and the fulcrum. (2 Words)
16.The output force multiplied by the output distance. (2 Words)
19.A device that changes a force.
20.A slanted surface along which a force moves an object to a different elevation. (2 Words)
21.A simple machine that consists of a rope that fits into a groove in a wheel.
22.The fixed point a lever rotates around.
23.Is equal to about 746 watts.
24.The distance the output force is exerted through. (2 Words)
25.The mechanical advantage in the absence of friction. (3 Words)
1.An inclined plane wrapped around a cylinder.
2.A v-shaped object whose sides are two inclined planes sloped toward each other.
3.Equals the ratio of the output force to the input force. (3 Words)
4.The distance the input force acts through. (2 Words)
5.A rigid bar that is free to move around a fixed point.
7.The work done by the input force acting through the input distance. (2 Words)
10.The number of times that the machine increases an input force. (2 Words)
11.The distance between the output force and the fulcrum. (2 Words)
13.The percentage of the work input that becomes work output of a machine.
17.The force that is exerted by a machine. (2 Words)
18.The rate of doing work. (Power = Work/Time)

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