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Sports Marathon


This crossword is related to sports. Every word is located with a clue. I hope all of you enjoy my crossword and have fun. I will keep on making more and more and more and more and more puzzles to let you have fun with.


3.This sport involves hitting a ball off a bat to get the most run possible. When you are bowling, the aim is to get all the batters out.
5.The aim is to hit the ball over the net without the dropping it or letting it bounce off the ground.
8.To try and get the ball to your goal keeper without running with the ball
9.This sport is located in water. People compete against each other to win medals in events like front crawl, backstroke, breaststroke and butterfly
1.Trying to get a ball through a hoop. A popular American sport
2.Involves kicking and punching other people. Popular film the ______ kid
4.It involves trying to kick a ball across the field to kick into the net. (8)
6.It involves trying to get the ball to the try line and defending and tackling your opponents (5).
7.Aim is to hit the ball with a racket, and not let it bounce off the floor.

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