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YA Lit. - Overcoming Obstacles

The Pursuit of Happiness

1 2 3
4   5            
6 7                
10               11                  
      13 14
15       16   17                  
19                       20                
21                   22          

5.the place Christopher goes when his dad is working
7.Chris' last name
9.the gift Christopher receives from his parents on his birthday
10.the group of people Chris hopes will buy his machine
11.these women would give money to the man who walked by with his young son in the stroller
12.Chris enrolls in this company's internship
15.Chris lost this after he was hit by a vehicle
17.the actor who plays Chris Gardner
18.the place Chris must spend the night due to too many unpaid parking tickets
19.Chris' son name
20.the length of Chris' internship
21.the room the main characters are forced to sleep in at the Metro station
22.rooms for the homeless were offered in this type of building
23.the type of clothing Chris wears throughout the film
24.the machine Chris is attempting to sell
25.the toy Chris masters while sitting with Jay in the taxi
26.the city in which the film is set
1.Chris' wife's name
2.the high school class Chris excelled in
3.the misspelled word on the wall near Christopher's daycare
4.the actor who plays Chris' son
6.the type of work Linda does at the hotel
8.the job which Chris is training for
11.these goe unpaid and Chris must take the bus
13.the old hippie thought Chris' machine was this type of machine
14.the football game Chris and Christopher attend
16.the doll Christopher drops in the street while running for the bus
20.the protagonist's occupation

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