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"Canada's Physical Landforms" -- Gr. 8 Social Studies

Mr. Dean Catling / Instructor

Designed to develop an understanding of the terminology used in identifying the various landforms and their properties.

1 2
  3 4          
    7 8         9            
  19                 20          

4.The difference in elevation between points on the earth's surface.
5.The theory that the earth's continental plates are moving,
8.A deposit of soil and sand at the mouth of a river.
9.The wearing down of the earth's surface by running water, waves, wind, and glaciers.
10.An area's cover including vegetation, water, ice and rock.
11.The innermost layer of the Earth's interior.
13.Movement of magma in the crust of the earth due to extreme heat.
15.The natural features of a landform's surface.
16.The molten rock found within the earth.
17.The breakdown of the rock on the earth's surface.
18.The steepness of slopes.
19.The temperature at which condensation occurs.
20.A long depression porduced by the collapse of the earth's crust.
21.The leading edge of an air mass when referrng to climate.
22.The movement of the Earth's plates due to currents and drifts.
23.Precipitation caused when air masses of contrasting temperatures meet.
1.Precipitation that is caused when air has been heated and cooled.
2.Refers to the type of rocks and the history of the rocks.
3.Describes the area located between two mountains.
5.The solid outside layer of the Earth.
6.Thin acidic soil build up.
7.An area of earth's crust where one plate slides under another.
8.The depositing of eroded materials to form new landforms.
9.Used to describe the height of a landform.
12.A high altitude wind that flows around the earth in both hemisphere.
13.A deep, rich soil also called black earth.
14.Heated magma that has been exposed to the outside air.
16.The middle layer of the Earth, between the crust and the core.
21.A fracture or break in the rocks of the earth's crust.

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