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2nd Industrial Revolution

Michael McCants

1 2
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9       10        

4.When wealthy people donate money to good causes
5.Invented the Model T (automobile). (2 Words)
10.Groups of workers who come together to help one another.
13.Allowed people to get raw materials and bring products to the buyer.
14.Became rich in shipping and railroad industries. (2 Words)
15.Something that is on paper or on anything that is on or in our every day life to try to get you to buy that product.
1.Invented the telegraph and the telephone. (3 Words)
2.A business with no competition.
3.Became rich by creating a monoply. (3 Words)
6.is a method where each job is broken to its simplest part. (2 Words)
7.Developed electrical lighting and the light bulb. (2 Words)
8.became rich creating a Steel Company. (2 Words)
9.booms in busts in the industry dome people lost their jobs due to busts in the industry. (2 Words)
11.A wealthy banker Bought Carnegie steel co. (2 Words)
12.Created in an assembly line that made it easier and quicker to make. Also, (2 Words)

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