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Ekaterina Danilina

This puzzle will allow you to practice the "Clothes" vocabulary. It is suitable for pre- intermediate and intermediate students as a revision.

1       2 3
8             9
10             11  
12   13     14   15

1.very formal clothes that you wear for an interview
6.something that men wear on the upper part of the body, having long or short sleeves, and a collar
7.you wear it instead of trousers when it's hot
8.clothes with short sleeves, and no collar and buttons, usually for summer day
10.a piece of clothing that you put on when it's raining outside
14.something you wear on your head when it's hot or cold
16.you wear this on your face to protect eyes from the sun
17.a warm piece of clothing that covers the top of the body, without buttons
18.footwear, usually for women, for a hot summer day
1.a footwear you put on to go outside
2.women wear it instead of blouse and skirt
3.something that you put on over other clothes when it's cold outside
4.a piece of clothing for women like a dress but without the top part
5.you wear this on your hands when it's cold
8.clothes suitable for men and women when doing sports
9.clothes that is used when you sleep
11.a piece of clothing for men that covers legs, a part of a suit
12.it's the same for women as "shirt" for men
13.a piece of clothing that keeps your neck warm when it's cold
15.a thin piece of clothing for women, covering legs up to waist

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