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Personal Finance Vocabulary


Word Bank
Annual Fee, Career Cluster, Credit report, Dividend, Expenses, Gross income, job, lender, net gain, net loss, redress, renters insurance, stock, stockholder or shareholder, want, well-being

1 2           3
7           8          
9                       10    
12       13  

2.process of righting a wrong
4.pays renters to cover damage and loss of property in a rental unit in addition to liability losses (2 Words)
5.share of ownership in a company
6.feeling good about one's life
7.income earned as salary or wages before taxes and other deductions (2 Words)
9.record of your use of credit (2 Words)
10.activity thru which an individual can earn money
11.money spent
12.desire for goods, services that increase quality of life but aren't absolutely necessary for survival
14.Yearly fee charged for having a credit card (2 Words)
15.when income is less than expences (2 Words)
16.Share of profits distributed in cash
1.Group of occupations/ industries by knowledge and skills required (2 Words)
3.owner of stock (3 Words)
8.when income is greater than expenses (2 Words)
13.person or organization who makes funds available for others to borrow

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