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Word 2013 L1 Vocabulary


Word Bank
Access Keys, AutoComplete, Backstage View, Dialog Box Launcher, Menu, Open Punctuation, Preview, Redo, Save, Save As, ScreenTip, Undo, White Space, Word Wrap

1 2 3
5 6      
  10 11    

4.Letter style requiring NO punctuation after the Salutation and Closing (2 Words)
8.Space between pages in a document in Print Layout view (2 Words)
9.List of options
12.Button in Quick Access Toolbar to save an existing document
13.Command that automatically completes text, such as, current date, weekday, and month
1.Tool replaces some keyboard shortcuts from earlier MS versions; appear as small square labels (AKA Key Tips) (2 Words)
2.Offers quick access to commands to perform many file management tasks, all displayed in one navigation pane, customizable for your needs (File Tab) (2 Words)
3.Small arrow at lower right corner of a group (3 Words)
5.Tool that visually checks a document for errors before printing
6.Tool that provides more info about a command when you hover over it
7.Dialog box to save a document in a specific format and location (2 Words)
8.Automatically wraps text to beginning of next line upon reaching right margin (2 Words)
10.Command that repeats your last action
11.Command to cancel/undo last command or action

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