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Film Genres


This crossword puzzle is devoted to the theme of Film Genres.

1 2   3             4  
  7               8    

1.films, stories etc that involve a lot of fights and exciting experiences
7.something that is very successful, especially a film, show, or novel
10.a book or film that tells a frightening story
11.a play for theatre, radio, or television
12.a book or film usually about a murder, in which you do not know who committed the murder until the end
2.A film, television drama, or novel about cowboys in western North America
3.a film whose characters are silly and unreasonable in a funny way, or this type of film (2 Words)
4.a long film, book, or other work portraying heroic deeds and adventures or covering an extended period of time
5.a humorous imitation of something, typically a film or a particular genre of film, in which its characteristic features are exaggerated for comic effect
6.a book, play, or film that tells an exciting story, especially about something dangerous like a crime
8.a sad film or story that makes you cry
9.a long story with a lot of exciting details

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