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the walking dead


1 2
3   4     5      
      8         9
10                 11
13       14 15      
        16 17          
  18             19        

4.uses walkers to cover her sent
7.had to kill her little sister
8.tyres's sister
10.was killed in rv
12.was killed by the governer
13.important member of the group
17.glens wife and hershels daughter
18.sashas brother
19.tyrese's girlfriend
20.needed to get taken out the well before it infected the water
1.was in charge of woodsburry
2.leader of the group
3.ricks daughter
5.owned the farm and was a veteranarian
6.ricks son
9.daryl had to put him down
11.killed odis
12.maggies husband
13.was the wise old man
14.died giving birth and ricks wife
15.was killed by shayne
16.daryl's brother

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