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Chapter 6 Vocabulary

Nylund and Swift

Business Law Chapter 6 Vocabulary

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4.contractual proposal in writing by a merchant stating how long the offer is to stay open
7.requires that the terms in the acceptance must exactly match the terms contained in the offer
8.withdrawing an offer before it is accepted
9.contract that does not have its terms expressly stated, but that can be inferred from the parties' acts or conduct
11.2 friends agree to go to the movies and no contract is intended
12.if the offeree changes the offeror's terms in important ways and sends it back to the offeror, what is this called?
13.separate contract arising when the offeree gives the offeror something of value in return for promise to leave an offer open
15.in making an offer, the offeror may state how and when the offer must be accepted
1.this includes offer and acceptance, genuine assent, legality, consideration, capacity, proper form
2.proposal by an offeror to do something
3.offeree can accept offer by giving a promise to the offeror instead of performing the contracted-for act
5.what a person demands and generally must receive in order to make his/herpromise legally binding
6.offeror promises something in return for the offerees performance and indicates that this performance is the way acceptance must be made
10.an implied-at-law contract is also called ___.
14.there are at least ___ elements required to form a contract.

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