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B3 Transporting materials

Covering the circulatory system, blood and the heart.

1 2
3 4    
5           6                  
14           15          

5.The small upper chambers of the heart.
6.The large chambers at the bottom of the heart.
7.An artery which carries oxygenated blood to the muscle of the heart.
9.Blood cell which contains the red pigment haemoglobin. It is a biconcave disk and gives the blood its red colour.
11.Lacking in oxygen.
13.The red pigment which carries oxygen around the body.
14.The main artery carrying leaving the left ventricle carrying oxygenated blood to the body.
15.The clear, yellow liquid part of the blood which carries dissolved substances and blood cells around the body.
16.Part of the blood which is vital for clotting.
17.The liquid that is pumped around the body by the heart. It contains blood cells, waste products, mineral ions, hormones and white blood cells.
1.Blood vessel which carries blood away from the heart. It usually carries oxygenated blood and it has a pulse.
2.The cells in the blood that form part of the body's defence system.
3.The shape of red blood cells - a disk which is dimpled on both sides
4.A metal mesh placed in the artery which is used to open up the blood vessel by the inflation of a tiny balloon.
8.Structures that prevents the back flow of blood, e.d. within veins or between the chambers of the heart.
10.Containing oxygen.
12.The smallest blood vessel that is one cell thick.

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