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Important Planetary Terms

Mr. Stamas

Vocabulary terms from http://www.uni.edu/morgans/planets/notes1.pdf

1 2
3 4             5              
6                     7        
11                     12 13        
15               16  
17                 18  

4.How long does it take to go around once
5.The location in an objects motion about the Sun where the object is furthest from the Sun.
6.Planets made up of rocks or metals with a hard surface, e,g., Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars
7.Small particles in orbit about a planet, found around Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune
8.A measure of the elongation of the object’s orbit about the Sun
9.The location that an object (like the moon) is closest from the Earth.
10.Terrestrial, Gas Giants and Ice Giants...Often referred as Terrestrial and Jovian
11.Venus spins in the opposite direction from most other planets, i.e, counterclockwise. Thus, it's rotation is ____________________________.
13.A small icy/rocky object, When they get close to the Sun develop a halo of gas
14.Objects comprised of mainly low density gases, includes Jupiter and Saturn.
15.As Earth orbits the sun, the sun appears to drift across the background stars. The __________ marks out the path of this motion on the sky.
17.Small rocky/metallic/icy object traveling through space, are less than 1000 km in size
19.A “smaller” object that orbits a planet, or other larger object in the solar system
20.In our solar system, ___________________ movement for both rotating and orbiting bodies is in a counterclockwise direction when viewed from a vantage point above the Earth's north pole.
21.The location that an object (like the moon) is furthest from the Earth.
1.Angle of the plane of an object’s orbit with respect to the ecliptic.
2.building blocks that were common in the early solar system
3.Objects with a good fraction of ice in their interiors, includes Uranus and Neptune.
4.The location in an objects motion about the Sun where the object is closest to the Sun.
11.the orbit of an object, as in “the Earth revolves around the Sun”, or “The moon revolves around the Earth”
12.Tilt of a planet’s rotation axis with respect to its orbital plane.
16.The spin of an object along an axis.
18.in orbit around the Sun, has sufficient mass for its self-gravity, roundish shape, has cleared the neighborhood around its orbit

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