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Unit 2

Stuart Gedal

4                 5  
7 8   9
  10                 11      

3.A style of pants or jeans. Each leg of these pants is wide at the bottom. If you wear high boots, such as cowboy boots, these pants will cover them.
4.EMTs who work on an ambulance often wear very loose pants with many pockets for medical devices. You can buy these. Just ask for __________________ ____________________ (Two words, no spaces).
6.If someone has a lot of CDs and Playlists, and even old vinyl records, and the music is in every style, they have a lot of songs. We can also say that they have ______ ______ _____ ____________ (4 words, no spaces).
10.If a web site has many kinds of computers to buy, and it is difficult to choose the one that you want, it has a _______________ _________________. (Two words, no space between the words).
12.A heavy material that is used to make blue jeans.
13.A natural product that is used for many clothes, including men's ties, and which is made by an insect.
14.A shirt that covers all of your arm (No hyphen).
15.A pattern.
16.A material that is used for clothing, including shoes, and is made from animal skin. When we buy it, it isn't smooth, the way that leather is.
1.A pattern for women's outdoor clothes that is not often popular during the winter.
2.Material can be anything that we use to make things: plastic for toys, silicon for microchips, and _______________ for clothing.
5.A shirt that doesn't cover all of your arm. It may cut-off or go only to your elbow (No hyphen).
7.A shirt or sweater that comes up past your collar bone and goes around your neck. Some people wear them for style, and other people wear them to keep warm in cold weather.
8.Another name for jeans, especially blue jeans.
9.This is material that looks like cloth but it isn't made from a natural product like wool (from sheep), cotton (from a plant), or animal skin. Often, this material is shiny. Many people who use it like it because it can be made with bright colors.
11.A blue or blue-green color.

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