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Unit Forestry Study Guide-structures and pests

Mrs. Weimer

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3.aka sapwood
6.the area between leaves is an
8.Many diseases can be prevented from entering a forest by dusting the stumps of cut trees with____or creosote.
9.xylem controls the flow of __ through the tree
11.which consists of an active layer of cells that divide
14.___in the heartwood are dead and filled with tannin or resin
17.The epidermis is where the water and minerals enter the root through___and diffusion
18.during rapid growth, the cells of the tree make ___diameter rings
20.trunk that is_____in color helps produce food through photosynthesis
21.Examples of stem diseases are Dutch elm disease, ______ ____, fusiform rust, and various types of heart rot.
23.cause the most damage to tree seedlings
25.On the outside of terminal and lateral buds are small protective structures
27.root hairs increase the ___ ___ of the root
29.any disease causing organism
30.At the tip of the root, there is an area where new cells develop
32.are insects that attack trees by tunneling underneath the bark.
34.eat their way through the tree sapwood and heartwood.
36.are the part of the tree typically found below the soil surface
37.Insects that attack young twigs, stems, or buds
39.Each leaf is attached to the stem at a
40.cause the most damage because they spread by tiny spores and can multiply very quickly
42.first structure to emerge when the seedling germinates (2 words-starts with P and R)
44.the word that means: cutting off the supply of nutrients
45.stores food manufactured by the tree.
1.one of the sap suckers (along with scales)
2.a small terminal branch that bears leaves, buds, flowers, and fruit
4.mall spots, on the stem, that allow a stem to exchange gases with the environment.
5.two types of roots: tap and ___
7.The surface of the root is covered with a skin of cells
10.aka inner bark
12.introduction of an insect pest predator into the infected area or the introduction of a pathogen
13.the top part of the tree, including the branches, twigs, buds, and leaves
15.are insects equipped with penetrating mouthparts, allowing them to feed on tree sap
16.chemical controls involve___
19.main structural element of a tree
22.woody plant with one well-defined stem and a formed crown
24.insects that cause tree damage by feeding on the leaves or needles.
26.A side bud always exists at the node just above where the leaf is attached
28.In large trees, the center portion of the trunk is darker and is known as
31.a thin layer of cells between the phloem and the bark (composed of dead cells)
33.over the top of it to protect it from damage as it grows through the large and sometimes coarse soil particles
35.number of rings a tree produces per year
38.roots absorb all of the water and __________ that a plant needs to live.
41.phloem carries ___
43.A tree’s health is very closely tied to its

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