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Education in Japan

1 2     3 4 5

2.In this year, the first Ministry of Education was established.
8.This regulation provided the basis of postwar education. (5 Words)
9.This Minister made changes in the education system to update Japan and to make emphasis on spiritual union of Japanese people. (2 Words)
10.This was one of the new systems included by Emperor Meiji to face the internal conflict. (2 Words)
1.These moral standards gave priority to Confucian ideas (duty, loyalty, and patriotism). (5 Words)
3.In this year, the Ministry of Education reexamined the Standards for the Establishment of Universities.
4.This expert on teacher education was in Japan to update the educational contents and methods. (2 Words)
5.First-class leaders received education about Western knowledge and skills in this higher education institution. (4 Words)
6.This regulation make secondary school students learn practical skills in industry and commerce. (4 Words)
7.This regulation increased the quantity of professioanl colleges and the creation of private universities. (3 Words)

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