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Legal Studies 1 Outcome 2

Ms. Torney

This word puzzle contains key terminology from chapter 2, 3 and 4 of LS text.

Word Bank
VCAT, accessory, bail, capital punishment, caution, concurrent, crime, criminal, culpable, defendant, duress, forensic, fourteen, imprisonment, indictable, infanticide, integrity, jeopardy, litigation, magistrate, manslaughter, mens rea, murder, parent, primary, prosecution, prosecution, punishment, reasonable doubt, rehabilitation, remand, sanction, silence, ten, theft, theft

1 2
  3 4              
5           6        
    7   8
10 11            
17           18          
21           22         23        
24   25                 26                    
  28       29         30 31              

4.Double ____ is a legal principle stating that a person who has been acquitted cannot be retried for the same crime. This principle has now been modified in the state of Victoria.
5.A crime where an accused unlawfully and intentionally kills another person
6.The release of an accused from custody, upon a written promise, while awaiting their hearing or trial
9.The standard of proof required in a criminal trial is ‘beyond ____’ (10,5)
13.The crime of killing another person without intention or due to mitigating circumstances
15.A sanction requiring an offender to serve a period of time held in detention or custody.
16.The crime of a woman killing her child, aged under two years, as a result of a mental disturbance due to childbirth
17.An illegal act or felony that can be prosecuted by the state and incur a sanction
20.The crime of dishonestly taking property belonging to another with the intention of depriving that person of the property
21.A serious offence heard before a judge and jury
23.A crime where an accused dishonestly takes another’s property with the intention of permanently keeping it
24.The person accused of a crime in the Magistrates’ Court
26.The party who brings a criminal case to court and represents society and the victim in a criminal trial
28.A penalty imposed on a person who has breached a criminal law
31.A procedure where police inform an individual of his or her rights prior to being interviewed
32.The Office of Police _____ hears complaints against police corruption and serious misconduct.
33.An individual who is injured or dies as a direct result of an act of violence committed against him or her is a ____ victim.
34.The number of days a suspected terrorist may be detained without charges being laid
35.____ driving is the crime of causing the death of a person while driving a motor vehicle in a grossly careless manner.
1.A criminal defence used when an offender can argue that he or she committed a crime through fear of death or serious injury
2.A state-sanctioned death sentence usually imposed by a court for a most serious offence (7,10)
3.The right to ____ aims to protect individuals from self-incrimination and uphold the legal principle of the presumption of innocence.
7.An aim of a criminal sanction where the court imposes a sanction that ensures victims and the community feel a sense of retribution
8.The party with the burden of proving the accused is guilty in a criminal trial
9.An aim of a criminal sanction that seeks to help offenders be able to live within the community without re-offending
10.An accused who is denied bail or cannot meet the conditions of bail is held in custody on ____.
11.A sentence where an offender serves more than one sentence simultaneously
12.The Latin term referring to a guilty mind (4,3)
14.Generally a person aged less than 18 years must have a ____ or guardian present while being questioned by the police
18.Civil _____ is a method a victim of crime might use to receive compensation through the courts.
19.The court that hears all summary offences in Victoria
22.An individual who assists someone to commit a crime either before or after the crime occurs
25.Blood, hair and saliva samples are examples of ____ evidence.
27.An organisation that provides financial assistance to eligible victims of crime (Acronym)
29.The minimum age at which a person can be charged with committing a criminal offence.
30.Homicide, serious assault and theft are examples of this type of law

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