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Science Day 5 and 6

Harwell Middle School

Day 5 and 6

Word Bank
Axial Tilt, Chemical Energy, Crescent Moon, Electrical Energy, Energy Transformation, Full Moon, Gravity, Half Moon, Kinetic Energy, Law of Action- Reaction, Law of Force and Acceleration (Newton's 2nd Law), Law of Inertia (Newtons 1st Law), Light Energy, Lunar Cycle, New Moon, Potential Energy, Revolution, Rotation, Seasons, Solar Energy, Tidal Forces, Waning, Waxing, Work

2               3
  5 6
      10 11            
    14 15                  

2.a phase of the Moon when half of it is visible (2 Words)
4.the energy that results from an object's position (2 Words)
7.occurs when subsequent phases of the Moon are becoming more visible
8.a phase of the moon that occurs when about 25% of the Moon is visible (2 Words)
9.a change in the form of energy (2 Words)
11.yearly climate cycles caused by the tilt of the Earth's rotational axis
12.occurs when subsequent phases of the moon are becoming less visible
13.the force that pulls all objects with mass toward one another and is related to the distance between the two objects
15.the orbital movement of a celestial body around another due to its gravitational pull
16.the energy produced from sunlight (2 Words)
18.a rotational line of a celestial body slightly off of an imaginary vertical line running through it top to bottom (2 Words)
19.law of motion stating that an object in motion will only change its speed if acted on by an unbalance force (6 Words)
20.the energy released when chemical bonds are broken and reformed (2 Words)
21.the spinning movement of a celestial body around its own axis
22.the energy arising from motion of an object (2 Words)
23.a phase of the moon when little of no part of the moon is visible (2 Words)
1.law of motion stating the acceleration of an object is related to the net foce acting on it and the mass of the object, F-ma (8 Words)
3.the energy needed to move an object over a specific distance
5.the time it takes for the Moon to complete all phases and one orbit of the Earth (2 Words)
6.the energy derived from light waves (2 Words)
9.the energy produced from the flow of electrons (2 Words)
10.the effect of gravitational pull of the sun and moon on the ocean (2 Words)
14.law of motion stating that for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction (4 Words)
17.a phase of the moon that occures when nearly 100% of the Moon is visible (2 Words)

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