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Chapter 8

Reagan Hayes

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3.tax imposed on whiskey by Congress
8.Britain did this and angered the U.S.
10.was a federalist that was elected president after George Washington resigned in 1796. Because the United States was having tensions with France, he sent three men to France.
11.Papers made by John Jay, James Madison, and Alexander Hamilton
12.political party led by Hamilton
14.Because of the American Revolution the nation was in great debt of 77 million dollars. This was mostly in the form of bonds invested by citizens and foreigners. They had sold them for less than they were worth to speculators. This caused many disputes over whether the federal government should pay off the debt or not.
15.The year the French Revolution started
1.political party led by Jefferson
2.the very first President of the United States.
4.was in charge of making a financial plan to get the U.S. out of this debt. He planned to have people pay state debts, create a National Bank, and high tariffs get passed.
5.John Adams made an agreement with Napoleon Bonaparte which led to the timely end of the ... and America was at peace with France once again.​
6.America attempted to stay ___ during the French Revolution
7.was a political theorist, American Stateman and served as the fourth president of the United States. He hailed as the "Father of the Constitution" for his pivotal role in drafting and promoting the U.S. Constitution and the Bill of Rights.
9.lead to an undeclared naval war between the United Sates and France.
13.Alexander Hamilton included a national bank, state debts and ___ in his financial plan

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