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Chapter 4

Danny Will Nick Robert

1 2                       3
  6   7 8  
17                   18  

2.that is, rights that belong to every human being from birth (2 Words)
4.The belief that one race is superior
9.The upper class of colonial society
10.signed a contract to work for 4 to 10 years in the colonies for anyone who would pay for his or her ocean passage to the Americas (2 Words)
11.the principle that a person cannot be held in prison without being charged with a specific crime (2 Words)
13.group of people who have the power to make laws
14.a family that includes, in addition to the parents and their children, other members such as grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins. (2 Words)
16.written list of freedoms that a government promises to protect (3 Words)
17.Strict laws that restricted the rights and activities of slaves (2 Words)
19.A uprising of slaves (2 Words)
1.Made up of small planters, independent farmers, and artisans. (2 Words)
3.division of the power of government into separate branches (3 Words)
5.schools that women opened in their homes to teach girls and boys to read and write (2 Words)
6.the right of journalists to publish the truth without restriction or penalty (4 Words)
7.Someone who learns a trade by working for someone in that trade for a certain period of time
8.The three way trade between the colonies, carribean, and Africa (2 Words)
12.is a school supported by taxes (2 Words)
15.The dialect of western Africa during the slave trade
18.publishing of statements that damage a person's reputation

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