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Basic Law Vocabulary


For ESL purposes, common words and expressions to learn

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2.If something is ___ board, it's been done in a legal and honest way
4.Ad valorem means in proportion to the ___
7.___ a crime: To do something illegal.
10.Person under 18
11.A rule of conduct or procedure established by custom, agreement, or authority
13.A fault
14.The crime of using violence against people to achieve a specific goal
15.Ab initio means from the ___
16.Sine die means ___
17.A written statement filed by the plaintiff that starts a case
19.To start legal action against someone is to ___ them
20.___ power. Also called buying power
21.A civil wrong that unfairly causes someone else to suffer loss or harm
22.Accept the consequences of doing something wrong: Face the ___
23.Sb to whom you owe money
26.The crime of damaging property
29.Sb who is legally qualified and licensed to represent a person in a legal matter
32.Someone who is ___ bars is in prison
35.A French policeman
37.De facto means in fact or in ___
38.Punishment imposed for an offence
39.The formal decision or finding of a judge or jury
1.An action or proceeding other than a criminal prosecution brought in a court of law
2.Describing something which has been referred to before in the document
3.Sb who helps another person to commit a crime
5.To claim someone did sth, often sth illegal
6.A temporary postponement to a case
8.Secretly and often illegally: "under the ___"
9.A senior lawyer that works in higher or more important courts
12.The crime of accidentally killing someone
17.A formal agreement, usually in writing, between two or more parties
18.A duty or obligation for which you’re a legally responsible
24.Information presented to a court to prove or support a point in question
25.___ property means land and all things attached to the land
27.Decision of a court, esp. as to the punishment
28.Statement of the facts in a trial, esp. the argument of one side
29.Money that a court orders sb to pay regularly to an ex-spouse
30.Pari passu means ___
31.Ad hoc means for a particular ___
33.A request to a higher court to overturn the judgment of a lower one
34.___ the law into (one's) own hands
36.Responsible for wrong, culpable

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