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Talk TV with Tiffany Crossword Puzzle

Justine T

This crossword puzzle entails all TV Shows in the Supernatural, Sci-Fi, and fantasy genres.

1 2 3 4
  5     6  
7             8                                  
9             10   11 12        
  16         17        
  18   19         20              
  22                         23  
    25   26         27                
28               29          
33   34          
35               36      

7.Daenerys Targaryen's children on "Game Of Thrones"
8.The name of the school Quentin Coldwater enrolls in on the SyFy TV series “The Magicians”
9.On “Supernatural” Sam and Dean Winchester’s bff angel
13.Josh Hartnett's character on "Penny Deadful"
15.The AMC TV series is based on a comic book about a world overrun by
20.The name of Ichabod Crane’s wife on the TV series “Sleepy Hollow”
21.The sort of horseman that is Ichabod’s foe on “Sleepy Hollow”
22.On “Once Upon A Time” Emma Swan’s mom, Mary Margaret is this fairytale princess
26.On the TV series “Grimm”, this character is both a Grimm and a detective
28.“Penny Dreadful” is aired on this network
30.The guy-liner wearing Captain of the Jolly Roger on "Once Upon A Time"
31.On “Supernatural” Sam and Dean Winchester’s home state
32.The state in which “Sleepy Hollow” takes place
34.The name of Juliette’s hexenbiest alter ego on “Grimm”
35.On "Grimm", Monroe is this wolf-like Wesen
37.Dean Winchester’s “baby” on “Supernatural”
38.The network that airs both “Sleepy Hollow” and “Lucifer”
39.Buffy’s last name on the TV series "Buffy The Vampire Slayer"
1.The short lived TV series in which "Hawaii 5-0" star Alex O'Loughlin played vampire Mick St. John
2.Jamie’s nickname for Claire on “Outlander”
3.The author of the “Game Of Thrones” books
4.In 2016 Lady Gaga won a Golden Globe for her role on this FX TV series
5.The actress who won an Emmy in 2009 for her role as Olive Snook in the TV series "Pushing Daisies"
6.The actor who won a Golden Globe in 2011 for his role as Tyrion Lannister on "Game Of Thrones"
9.On “Supernatural” the king of Hell following Lucifer’s demise
10.On "Once Upon A Time" Rumpelstiltskin's name in Storybrooke
11.The name of the actor who has played a vampire on “Being Human”, a wesen on “Grimm”, and Jekyll and Hyde on “OUAT”
12.The name of the actor who played aged Dean Winchester in the "Supernatural" episode 'The Curious Case Of Dean Winchester'
14.The Originals are the first generation of this supernatural creature
16.The name of the spaceship on "Firefly"
17.Sam and Dean Winchester’s father figure on “Supernatural"
18.This MTV TV series follows the life of a boy in high school who has been bitten by a supernatural creature
19.Ichabod Crane's fellow witness on "Sleepy Hollow"
20.On "Outlander" Jamie made Claire's wedding ring out of this object
23.On “Outlander” Frank’s super evil ancestor
24.Tatiana Gabrielle Maslany has recently been nominated for an Emmy for her role in this popular sci fi TV show
25.The state Mystic Falls is located In "Vampire Diaries"
27.The TV series about a vampire, werewolf, and ghost living together which first aired in the UK and later an American version aired on sy-fy
29.This short lived ABC TV series focused on a medical examiner trying to find a way to end his own immortality
33.Tom Ellis originally played Robin Hood on “Once Upon A Time”, now he is the lead in this supernatural TV series
36.The name of Snow White and Charming's baby on "Once Upon A Time"
38.The number of horsemen of the apocalypse on “Sleepy Hollow”

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