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"Cask of Amontillado"


Questions concerning the setting, action, character, and narration of the "Cask of Amontillado."

1 2 3      
6 7              

3.The story within the story takes place in the ____.
4.Even though Montresor is telling the story of the crime he committed, he is an ____ narrator at best.
6.Fortunato was murdered during the ____.
8.How many layers of bricks does Montersor eventually use to seal the niche?
9.Fortunato's motley outfit is a ____ representing his choices while with Montresor.
1.Amantillado is a type of ____, which is part of why Fortunato was able to be lured into the catacombs.
2.The story was written by Edgar Allan ___, but being the author does not mean he is the story's narrator.
3.The story is told from a single ____ by Montresor to an unnamed listener.
5.Montersor's family crest is a Giant's foot crushing what animal (who still manages to attack back)?
7.Montresor's ____ is never clearly expressed; his outrage towards Fortunato is hinted at in broad terms, but readers are left to wonder.

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