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Word Bank
body posture and movements, ergonomics, functional, inappropriate, level, personal hygiene, physical presentation, physical presentation, professional image, professionally

2 3  
  4 5    

6.Your back and shoulder should be relaxed and _____ when you are providing client services.
7.An important aspect of professional image is:
8.The science of how a workplace can best be designed for comfort, safety, efficiency, and productivity is:
9.Behaving ____________ includes having a genuine interest in your own day-to-day activities, as well as being concerned about and for others.
10.Your clothing should always be stylish and:
1.The key to prevent repetitive motion injury is to be aware of:
2.Your posture and the way you walk and move are a part of your:
3.Open-toed sandals are ___________ footwear when working in a salon
4.The impression you project though your outward appearance and conduct in the workplace is your:
5.The daily maintenance of cleanliness is:

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