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Basic Editing Lesson 2 Keywords

Erin O'Connor

Word Bank
asterisk, clipboard, copy, cut, document properties, go to, gridlines, multi selection, navigation pane, object zoom, paste, question mark, read mode, replace, rulers, scroll bar, scroll box, scroll buttons, thumbnails, wildcard

1 2
3         4 5 6                  
    7 8  
13 14            
    17 18 19                  

3.helps align text or other elements in a text
6.zoom in on objects in Read Mode (2 Words)
9.scroll box command that lets you browse by field and footnote (2 Words)
11.select multiple items of text that are NOT next to each other (2 Words)
15.storage area that paste things into another area in a file
19.tiny images of document pages
20.changes page layout hides ribbon (2 Words)
1.removes text from its original spot and puts it in clipboard
2.hidden info that is added to a document (2 Words)
4.moves up or down one line at a time (2 Words)
5.wildcard character finds one charter is not known (2 Words)
7.command to replace a word or phrase with another
8.appears on the left when you select it in show group on the view tab (2 Words)
10.tool to move up or down in a document (2 Words)
12.tool that provide a grid to help align objects in a document
13.moves horizontally and vertically through a document (2 Words)
14.words or phrases that have letter for specific purposes
16.wildcard used to find more than one charter that isn't known
17.paste text from clipboard to new spot in a new document
18.places a duplicate copy in the clipboard

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