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Natalia Kulikova

Word Bank
borough, commuter belt, construction site, council estate, downtown, ghetto, green belt, high street, high-rise, housing estate, industrial estate, inner city, listed building, neighborhood, outskirts, pedestrian precinct, quarter, residential district, shanty town, skyline, skyscraper, slum, suburbia

2                       3
5   6            
7 8       9
  10                 11   12        
          15         16  

2.an area of a town or city that people live in
4.the outer area of a city, town, or village
6.the pattern that is made against the sky by tall buildings
10.an area where there are a lot of factories and businesses (2 Words)
13.a poor and crowded area of a city where the buildings are in a very bad condition
14.a part area of a city with homes owned by a council and rented to people (US housing project) (2 Words)
15.a town or part of a city
18.a part of a town, often where people from a particular country or religion live
19.the main road in the centre of a town where there are a lot of shops (2 Words)
20.an area in a city or town where a building is under construction (2 Words)
21.the suburbs of towns and cities generally
22.an area of land around a city or town where no new building is allowed (2 Words)
23.an area that has only houses and not offices or factories (2 Words)
1.an area around a city where many people who work in the city live (2 Words)
3.a very tall building (noun)
5.an area with a large number of houses that were built at the same time (US housing development) (2 Words)
7.in or to the central part or main business area of a city
8.the part of a city that is closest to the centre, often where buildings are in a bad condition and there are social problems (2 Words)
9.an area in a town where there are shops and no cars are allowed (2 Words)
11.a building of great historical or artistic value that has official protection to prevent it from being changed or destroyed (US landmarked building) (2 Words)
12.an area on the edge of a town where poor people live in very simply built houses (2 Words)
16.an area of a city where people of a particular race or religion live, especially a poor area
17.a very tall building with lots of floors (adjective)

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