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Cultural Diversity

1 2 3 4
  9 10    
        12   13

6.Process of learning the beliefs/behaviors of a dominant culture slowly over a long period of time
7.May bury dead before sundown on day of death and usually within 24 hours
8.Life is sacred; abortion and contraceptive use is prohibited
11.When a cultural group alters their beliefs and behaviors and adopt ways of a new culture
16.Males dominate and make decisions on healthcare
18.A strong feeling/ belief about a person that is formed without reviewing the facts/information
19.Process of assuming that everyone in a particular group is the same
1.The values, beliefs, attitudes, languages, symbols, rituals, and customs unique to a particular group
2.Balance of two energy forces: yin (cold) and yang (hot)
3.Prohibited from receiving blood or blood products
4.Native Healers (Curandero, Espiritualista, Yerbero, or Herbalist, Brujo)
5.Illness is the result of negative Karma ( a person's acts and their ethical consequences)
9.A preference that inhibits judgement of others
10.Root doctor, folk practitioners (community "mother" healer, spiritualists)
11.A person who believes that the existences of God cannot be proved or disproved
12.The ability to recognize and appreciate the personal characteristics of others
13.A classification of people based on national origin and/or culture
14.Only family touches or washed body after death
15.May avoid over the counter medications and caffeine
17.A classification of people based on physical or biological characterisitics

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