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Mixed Words

M Sinan

An intermediate level crossword puzzle

2 3 4            
      5 6 7
8                 9      

4.someone with a position of power and authorityin the armed forces
8.someone's opinions or feelings about something, especiallly as shown by their behaviour
9.a small group of people who play popular music
11.an organization that provides services or that makes or sells goods for money
12.ashamed and sorry because you have done something wrong
13.the way that someone or something looks
14.belief that you are able to do things well
15.to decide that something is true after looking at all the evidence you have
1.unable to understand something or think clearly about it
2.unusual or unexpected, especially in a way that surprises or worries you
3.happy and relaxed because something bad has not happened or because a bad situation has ended
5.to know who the person is or what the thing is that you are seeing, hearing etc because you have seen, heard etc them before
6.an occasion when alot of rain falls very quicly, often with very strong winds or thunder and lightning
7.very loose on your body
10.a place where a fight between two armies in a war takes place or where one took place in the past

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