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CCNA 1 Vocabulary

Kyle, Nancy, and Mark

4                       5
8         9
10             11 12   13
  14 15   16    

2.Type of network cable that sends data through electric pulses (we made one of these)
3.Capacity of a medium to carry data
4.Dividing a data stream into smaller units, or segments
7.Interference that involves one signal interrupting or coming between another signal
8.Short for the code used in IPv6 addressing
10.Layer that allows end devices to exchange data across the network
11.A "piece of data"; protocol data unit
15.IPv6 address configuration that doesn’t require DHCPv6; stateless address autoconfiguration
17.The IP address that a router sends a packet to when the host is not directly connected; found in the routing table
18.Connects devices together within a network
20.Device that links networks together
21.MAC Address _____; what a switch uses to make forwarding decisions
22.Part of an IP packet that contains important information about the packet
23.OSI layer that transports bits across the network
1.The OSI layer closest to the end user; uses HTTP, SMTP, POP, and IMAP
4.Determines the number of network and host bits for a given IP address
5.____-Local address; IPv6 unicast address
6.Most widely used LAN technology
9.The more secure and reliable counterpart of UDP
12.Abbreviation for the service that translates domain names to IP addresses and back
13.Abbreviated term for the physical address of a NIC
14.Network device that forwards data packets between networks
16.Protocol used to resolve IPv4 addresses to MAC addresses
17.CMD command to list the protocols in use
19.A code made of only 0’s and 1’s, used to determine network numbers

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